Press Releases

CDK7 publication now available

Susan Boyd’s work with Astex on the design of engineered crystallographic constructs of CDK7 is now available online.

CompChem Solutions is 20!

It is now 20 years since the original (sole trader) CompChem Solutions was founded! It’s been quite a ride. In this time we have co-authored numerous papers, been cited as co-inventors on 5 patent applications and have contributed to the discovery and development of two compounds which are now in the clinic. We became an incorporated company back in 2014 and have worked with dozens of organisations during our 20 years of trading, including big pharma, smaller biotechs, charities, not-for-profit organisations, CROs and academics, in locations ranging from the UK to USA, Europe and the middle east.

We’ve worked in oncology, inflammation, infectious diseases, cardiovascular and many other areas, and have recently become more involved in computational modelling of biological targets as well as assisting with regulatory submissions for small molecules and biologics.

It’s been great fun working with such a diverse portfolio of targets, applications and of course, clients, and we look forward to continuing to provide top quality computational services across the drug discovery spectrum for years to come!

Big thank you to Professor Bobby Glen (now Professor Emeritus at Cambridge) in the picture for helping us celebrate our 10-year anniversary back in 2014!

CompChem Solutions enters Collaboration with Molecular Forecaster Inc

Molecular Forecaster Inc’s IMPACTS software predicts Cyp450 metabolic liabilities using a combination of 3D docking to metabolic enzymes, transition state modelling and rule-based approaches to predict sites of metabolism. Cyp oxidation sites, inhibition and substrate activity can be predicted. CompChem Solutions has entered into a collaboration with MFI to enable application of their technology to CompChem Solutions’ research programmes with clients. Contact us for further information.

In Press: NCE patent applications with US partner

Two NCE patent applications are currently being filed by a US partner for discovery of new therapeutic agents, where Susan Boyd of CompChem Solutions will be a named inventor on the patents, having conducted extensive modelling to assist in the discovery of these agents. Watch this space for further details when they can be released!

New publication on PGK1/DJ1 for modulation of telomere homeostasis

Our work with CRUK scientists in London and Glasgow on development of a ligand which appears to interact with the PGK1/DJ1 complex and to therefore modulate metabolic stress-induced telomere homeostasis has recently been published.